About Us


Manufacturing has been our company care business since our present in the moving industry in the late 80's. We manufacture all range of wooden packaging for moving and transportation purpose. Our unique approach to manufacture of wooden packaging toward our customer requirement and specification has made the transportation of cargoes and goods safer as we believe disfferent type of cargo require different type of wooden packaging. Not only we are able to satisfy our customer with this dedicated service, we also provide consultation on the type of packaging and requirement for your cargo and goods. Our wooden packaging product is suitable for all type of cargoes ,  ranging from the most sensitive type such as microelectronic machine and aircraft parts to the least delicate type like steel bar. We also provide fumigation to our wooden packaging to ensure all our wooden packaging comply with the import requirement to all country and domestic state .


Our company has been in the packaging industrial for the past decade . We cater for all type of packaging services ranging from household sector to commercial sector . We provide delicate packaging services to delicate cargo as well as simple packing for least delicate cargo. Our packaging range from weatherproof packing to vacuum packing and as well as from nitrogen packing to skidding. Our packaging services are custom made to our customer requirement and all cargo is specifically packed and shipped to our customer satisfaction and requirement. With our vast experience for the past 23 years,, all our employees are mature and experience enough to handle all type of packing and cargo movement.

1 comment:

  1. We provide delicate packaging services to delicate cargo as well as simple packing for least delicate cargo. Chuyen phat nhanh quoc te
